The right people for the best results!
Our business development professionals are specially trained and experienced in generating qualified leads and helping your team convert them into new business.
Identify the strongest sales candidates and find out the answers to 3 important questions: How much will they sell? How fast? At what cost?

"We know how to identify the best leads! With our help, your sales team can outperform expectations.”
“We provide the only assessment that measures the 12 types of Sales Call Reluctance that very often are hidden behind results that could be improved.“
We offer two types of Assessments
SPQ Gold Assessment®
The only test in the world specifically engineered to detect and measure all twelve types of Sales Call Reluctance®.
Belbin® Team Roles
A team is more than a bunch of people! We help to uncover the strengths and weaknesses of each individual.

“We help companies recruit and keep the best Sales People. We also help them improve the existing Sales People’s results as individuals and as a team.”
Annika Widén